Wednesday, May 11, 2016

God the criminal?

GOD the Criminal?

 Leader of the Religious Marijuana use conspiracy under US Law ?

Marijuana has been used for religious purposes for thousands of years 

This is intended as a commentary of the historical religious use of marijuana, modern religious use, and the legal implications of marijuana law VS  the freedom of religion. There are a number of books that have been written regarding ancient and modern religious use of marijuana. Chris Bennett is perhaps the global expert on ancient religious use of marijuana and has written several books on the subject. I would recommend his books for a thorough study of the subject. There are various other authors as well that you might want to consider for a full study of the subject.

It may be surprising to many of you that religious use of marijuana is found in Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and scores of various other religions.  The United States of America claims to have freedom of religion, yet in cases where religious use of marijuana have come up the defendants have been denied to make a religious use defense in front of a Jury. Churches that have used marijuana as a religious sacrament are often  prosecuted as conspirators, their homes and property confiscated, children taken away, and they are denied a religious use defense in front of a jury.  Once convicted in this "Mickey Mouse" judicial process they are sentenced to exceedingly long sentences under the conspiracy laws.

The question that we have to ask ourselves, are the people that use cannabis or marijuana for sacramental purposes criminals? The United States Government has made provisions for the American Indians to use peyote as a sacrament.  Why is using marijuana as a religious sacrament such a problem for the Government? Perhaps their real problem is with GOD.

GOD the Criminal?
 Leader of the Religious Marijuana use conspiracy under US Law ?


Under US law and the laws of many other countries, God is a criminal and conspirator. God by his own admission made all illegal plants and commands his followers to use these plants as meat and as sacraments. The followers of God are also conspirators in Gods illegal activities under Gods direction.  Gods true name is unknown. We know of Gods illegal activities through a Book called the Bible, put together by his followers. Some of the verses prove God is a criminal:
In Genesis 1:11 God admits to manufacturing all illegal plants:Genesis 1:11 "And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so."

Then in Genesis 1:29  King James Version God gives his followers all legal and illegal plants including marijuana, and commands them to use them as meat:

Genesis 1:29 "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." 
Then in Genesis 30:23 God commands his followers to make a Holy Anointing Oil with 6 pounds of marijuana as an ingredient.

Exodus 30:23 Take thou also unto thee principal spices, of pure myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and fifty shekels, and of Kaneh Bosem (marijuana) two hundred and fifty shekels, 24 And of cassia five hundred shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of oil olive an hin: 25 And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary : it shall be an holy anointing oil.

Then in Exodus 30:26 God commands his followers to anoint (to pour) this marijuana based oil over the alter of incense, the alter of burn offering, and other items to make them Holy. By doing this all members of the Church inhale the marijuana based oil when the incense is burnt.

Exodus 30:26 Use it to anoint the Tent of Meeting, the ark of the Testimony, 27 the table and all its articles, the lampstand and its accessories, the altar of incense, 28 the altar of burnt offering and all its utensils, and the basin with its stand. 29 You shall consecrate them so they will be most holy, and whatever touches them will be holy.

Then in Exodus 30:30 God commands his priests to be anointed with this marijuana based oil: 30 "Anoint Aaron and his sons and consecrate them so they may serve me as priests.

Please Report any sightings of God or his Followers to 1-800- Police State.

Jesus Christ co-conspirator under Gods illegal activities?

A man known as Jesus, (AKA: Yahshua, Jesus Christ, The Christ), is a possible co-conspirator under Gods illegal activities. He is known as the Christ because he is purported to be anointed with Gods marijuana based Holy oil. He claims to be the Son of God. He was thought to be dead after his crucifixion 2000 years ago by the Roman Government, but his followers claim he was resurrected and still lives. With his gang that he called the 12, he began a church of priests called Christians. They were known as Christians because each member went through an initiation called a Fire Baptism, which is concluded by being anointed with Gods marijuana based Holy Oil. Reports also have it that Jesus used Gods marijuana based Holy Oil for healing, which is also illegal. His gang, the 12 are all thought to be dead, but Jesus is reported to appear in various parts of the world, and it has been reported that he will return with an army to put and end to our Government which his followers call the Anti-Christ and the False Anointed.

Please Report any sightings of Jesus or his Followers to 1-800- Police State.

Religions with Sacramental Marijuana Connections
The religious use of marijuana is documented in many ancient texts from around the world, and was certainly used for religious purposes for thousands of years before recorded history. Archaeological evidence dating to prehistoric times clearly shows that marijuana played a significant role in the development of African, Middle Eastern, East Indian, and Chinese religions. Certainly there is written evidence of the religious use of cannabis in most ancient cultures. Below you will find a partial list of cannabis using religions.

Egyptian goddess Seshat with a marijuana leaf

Cannabis using Religions

Buddhism: used in initiation and mystical rituals since the 5th century BC. Gautama Siddhartha, founder of   Buddhism, lived primarily on marijuana seeds and leaves in the years before his enlightenment. 

Christian: Marijuana in the Jewish Holy Oil, The practice of anointing or Chrismation. Healing with marijuana based Holy Oil.

Ethiopian-Zion Coptics: Believe cannabis sacrament comes from the Essene traditions. Tree of Life

Gnostic: Marijuana in the Jewish Holy Oil, The practice of anointing or Chrismation. Healing with Holy Oil.

Hindu: Shiva God Worship. Smoked as ganja or drunk as bhang. Charas or hashish smoked.

Judaism: Marijuana in the Holy Oil and Incense burning.

Rastafari: JamaicaMarijuana Smoking. Believe Marijuana is the Tree of Life.

Riamba: Africa; Marijuana Smoking

Sythians: Herodotus reported ceremonial practices by the Scythians around the 4th century BC

Sufi Muslims: South Asia. Used cannabis in religion

Sikh: Northern India, Smoked in meditation. Used in religious festivals like Hola Mohalla.

Taoist: Cannabis was added into ritual incense-burners. Using cannabis in censers.

Zoroastrianism: Used a drink called Haoma which contained cannabis. Zoroaster is where we get our modern concepts of heaven and hell.

Modern Cannabis Churches

Church of the Universe: Cannabis is the tree of Life. Cannabis smoking bring you closer to God.

Hawaii Cannabis Ministry: Cannabis is the tree of Life. Cannabis smoking bring you closer to God.

Santa Muerte: Mexico; Marijuana smoke in purification ceremonies, & incense used in Catholic rituals.

 Marijuana Planet

Cannabis in the Holy Oil?

 THC Cafe

Cannabis in the Holy Oil?

Marijuana enriched oil was used by Jesus Christ and the apostles for healing and as a part of the Fire Baptism

Script from the film documentary "The Fire Baptism and the Lost Sacraments"
The original Hebrew for calamus, is Kaneh-bosem or Qaneh (Kaw-naw) Bosem.  Some translations have this as “fragrant cane” or “aromatic cane.”  Some researchers have argued that this is actually  Sweet Cane or Sugar Cane, although the term sweet does not occur in the original manuscripts.
 In the Hebrew terms such as  Elohim (Pronounced El- Oh- Heem ) is rendered plural.  So in the Hebrew Kaneh-bosem is also plural.  The singular then is rendered Kaneh-bos.
Kaneh-Bos  sounds  remarkably close to the modern day word Cannabis.  Could it be that cannabis was the plant given by God to be used in the Holy Anointing Oil?
Cannabis has certainly been cultivated since the beginning of recorded history.  Its uses for rope, sails and rigging into ancient times are well documented.
Imagine the amount of cannabis  rope it would have taken to construct the Temple of Solomon. What other way was there to construct ropes at that time, which could lift the weights of not only the Temple of Solomon, but in fact,  the Pyramids themselves.
Cannabis was thought to be an Indo-European  word specifically of Scythian Origin.  The Scythians were largely responsible for the spread of cannabis into Europe. The Scythe, was an invention of the Scythians, used for the harvest of cannabis.  This has come to us in the legends of the “Grim Reaper”
Herodotus, an early Greek ethnographer, in the 5th Century BC wrote of the Scythians and their use of cannabis.
The Scythians as they were known by the Greeks, were known, by the Semites as the Ashkenaz. Among the earliest references to Ashkenaz  people is found in Genesis 10:3 where Ashkenaz was listed as the son of Gomer, the great Grandson of Noah.  The Sythians lived around and traded with the Semites at least as early as 600 BC.
Zoroaster the prophet of the Ancient Magi, whose kings followed the Star of Bethlehem  based on the ancient prophesies,  used a drink called Haoma which has been documented to contain cannabis.
As early as 1925 experts have argued that,  both the Assyrians and the Babylonians, used Cannabis in their temple incense, Circa 500 BC.
In 1993, the Albany New York Times Union reported,  that the first physical evidence that Marijuana was used as a medicine in the ancient Mideast, was found.  The Israeli scientists found residue of marijuana along with the skeleton of a girl who had died 1600 years before.
In this press release,  researchers  from the Hebrew University, stated that references to marijuana as a medicine are seen as far back as 1,600 BC in Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, and Roman Writings.
 If you actually buy the Calamus translation for the Holy Oil, then you assume that God specified in Exodus 30:23 a drug commonly known as Ecstasy. Calamus contains an ingredient called asarone. This is a hallucinogen which is metabolized in the liver as trimethoxyamphetamine or ecstasy. The Middle Eastern version of this plant is far more toxic than its North American Cousin. This is deadly to flies and other insects. The Exodus 30:23 reference refers to sweet Calamus. If you look at this in the Strong’s concordance where they spell this as qaneh rather than kaneh, they pronounce this as Kaw-Naw, a reed, calamus, and cane are listed as possible translations. The term sweet used in Exodus 30:23 in Hebrew is Bosem. According to the Webster’s New World Hebrew Dictionary, Bosem is perfume; scent. The Concordance: the Hebrew is Bosem #1314, fragrance, by impl. spicery; also the balsam plant:—-smell, spice, sweet (odour). In some Bibles sweet calamus is translated as aromatic or fragrant Cane. It is where the bosem is fused to the word kaneh or qaneh that the cannabis translation becomes apparent. So then to pronounce this we have kaw-naw-bosem, and is spelled in English qaneh-bosem or kaneh-bosem.
In 1936, Sara Benetowa, later Known as Sula Benet, an etymologist from the Institute of Anthropological Sciences, in Warsaw wrote a treatise, “Tracing One Word Through Different Languages.” This was a study on the word Cannabis, based on a study of the oldest Hebrew texts. Although the word cannabis was thought to be of Scythian origin, Benet’s research showed it had an earlier root in the Semitic Languages such as Hebrew. Benet demonstrated that the ancient Hebrew word for Cannabis is Kaneh -Bosem. She also did another study called Early Diffusion and Folk Uses of Hemp. There is a reprint of this in Cannabis and Culture ISBN:90-279-7669-4. On page 44, she states, “The sacred character of hemp in biblical times is evident from Exodus 30:23, where Moses was instructed by God to anoint the meeting tent and all of its furnishings with specially prepared oil, containing hemp.” On page 41 Sula Benet writes, : In the course of time, the two words kaneh and bosem were fused into one , kanabos or kannabus know to us from the Mishna. According to the Webster’s New World Hebrew Dictionary, page 607 the Hebrew for hemp is kanabos.
Sara Benetowa  discovered that the Kaneh-Bosm or Cannabis is mentioned 5 times in the Old Testament.   The first occurrence appears in the Holy Anointing Oil as Calamus, (Exodus 30:23).  Sara  argued that the translation of Calamus  was a mistranslation  which occurred in the oldest Bible the “Septuagint” and the mistranslation was copied in later versions.But what is the effect to the baptism?
You may argue that the Anointing with the cannabis based oil has no redeeming value.  I would like to point out that all Orthodox Churches practice the Chrism anointing. What started me into The Fire Baptism and the Lost Sacraments is that not one Church uses the Holy Anointing Oil as described in Exodus 30:23 even with the Calamus translation.
The Bible is very clear that this was the only oil to be used.
This shall be a “holy  anointing oil” unto me throughout your generations.   Whosoever compoundeth any like it, or whosoever putteth any of it upon a stranger, shall even be cut off from his people.  Exodus 30:31-33
Christ in the Greek,  and the Messiah in Hebrew,   means “the anointed ”  For Jesus to receive the title “Christ”,  he must have been anointed with the Holy Anointing Oil or Nazer Oil, as given to Moses in Exodus 30:23.
The only scriptural  reference to Jesus being anointed is in Bethany. But this is a record of Jesus being anointed  with a Spikenard Oil.  This would not convey the title Christ.  The title “Christ” was only given by someone who is anointed  with the Holy Anointing Oil or Nazer Oil, as described in Exodus 30:23.Some early Gnostic Christians teachings held that Jesus was not made Christ  with an earthly oil,  but in fact anointed by God  in heaven.
 For the Father anointed the Son, and the Son anointed the Apostles, and the Apostles anointed us. Gospel of Phillip
If Jesus was called “Christ” by receiving the Holy Anointing Oil,  how are we to be called  Christians?  One would assume that we must also be anointed with the same,  Holy Anointing Oil, or Nazar Oil, as described in Exodus 30:23.
The Chrism or (anointing) is superior to baptism,  for it is from the word chrism that we are called Christians.  Gospel of Phillip.
“Are you unwilling to be anointed with the Oil of God? Wherefore we are called Christians on this account, because we are anointed with the oil of God.”  Theophilus of Antioch (181AD)

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"The Fire Baptism and the Lost Sacraments"

Marijuana Cures Cancer

 THC Cafe

Marijuana Cures Cancer

The U.S. Government has known since 1974 that Cannabis could Cure Cancer

In 1974 researchers at the Medical College of Virginia, funded by the National Institute of Health to find evidence that marijuana damages the immune system, found instead that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer in mice — lung and breast cancer, and a virus-induced leukemia. The DEA quickly shut down the Virginia study and all further cannabis/tumor research, according to Jack Herer, in his book, “The Emperor Wears No Clothes“. Then in 1976 President Gerald Ford put an end to all public cannabis research for many years.

October 7, 2003, Government Obtains Patent Rights on Medical Marijuana

 In 2003 the Federal Government obtained patent number 6630507. The patent claims that “Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and HIV dementia.” The patent, awarded in 2003, is based on research done by the National Institute of Health, and is assigned to the US Department of Health and Human Services. The federal government, through the operation of government-owned research facilities, research grants to Universities and procurement contracts with private industry, funds almost 50% of the national R&D effort. Because of this enormous funding, the federal government has the most United States patent rights. 

The F.D.A. on April 20th, 2006 Dismissed Medical Benefit From Marijuana

 The FDA stating "no sound scientific studies" supported the medical use of marijuana, contradicting a 1999 review by a panel of highly regarded scientists.

7-25-2010  Medical Marijuana In Veterans Affairs Clinics OK'd In States Where It's Legal

Patients treated at Veterans Affairs hospitals and clinics will be able to use medical marijuana in the states where it's legal, according to new federal guidelines.

The directive from the Veterans Affairs Department is intended to clarify current policy that says veterans can be denied pain medication if they use illegal drugs. Veterans groups have complained for years that this could bar veterans from VA benefits if they were caught using medical marijuana.

In March, 2011, The National Cancer Institute  proclaimed marijuana to have medical uses.

Why is this significant?  The new NCI assessment could have an impact on the classification of marijuana as a Schedule I drug, the harshest possible drug classification. The principal criteria for a Schedule I determination is that there is “no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.” The U.S. Justice Department will have a hard time maintaining that claim if challenged, considering a federal agency now recognizes marijuana’s medical use in cancer treatment.

July 9th, 2011, The D.E.A. Rules That Marijuana Has No Medical Use.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) ruled July 9th, 2011 that marijuana has "no accepted medical use" and should therefore remain illegal under federal law, regardless of the conflicting State legislation legalizing Medical Marijuana for patients who are prescribed marijuana by a Doctor, and despite hundreds of studies and centuries of medical practice attesting to the drug's benefits.
The DEA has been arresting Medical Marijuana Patients and providers for years in States that have legalized marijuana for Medical use. Though it seems wrong or even evil to arrest a sick person for using a medicine prescribed by a Doctor and then throwing them into prison where the medicine is denied, the Supreme Court has ruled that they have that right, and they continue the attack against medical marijuana.

The Times are about to change.

The writing is on the wall for Medical Marijuana. Federal Government agencies such as the DEA and the FDA claim that cannabis has no medical value and yet other federal agencies say it does have medical use. With the Veterans Affairs approval of medical marijuana, the Federal patent on medical marijuana and The National Cancer Institute now recognizing Marijuana as a Cancer Treatment, it is only a court case away until marijuana is rescheduled from a class 1 drug.

More and more evidence of marijuana curing cancer is a guarantee that the DEA will soon find themselves out of a job on medical marijuana.  Furthermore Marijuana is currently being used as a natural cure for Cancer and many other ailments. That will not change no matter what the DEA or any other Government agency thinks about it.

As of September 2016 there are 25 States that have Medical Marijuana Legalized. This is expected to go National with in the next decade. Over 70% of American citizens are in favor of Medical Marijuana. The internet provides instant access to information and studies from countries world wide on the medical use of marijuana. The obstruction and lies about medical marijuana is becoming more and more Politically Incorrect.